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Meet The Artist's Who Consign in the Gallery

True Talents


Crowwolf Douglas

Gallery Owner, Artist, Leather Crafter

Crowwolf creates beautiful, unique Native American leather craft, jewelry and more. Crowwolf learned the traditional way of leather crafting and jewelry making as passed down from Elders. He keeps these traditions alive through his wonderful creations.


Katy Kelley

Gallery Owner, Artist, Photographer

Katy is co-owner of Faemoon Wolf Designs, LLC. She works together with husband, Crowwolf, in creating beautiful leather craft designs and jewelry. Katy is also a nature and wildlife photographer.


Gergana Yordanova


In her works Gergana Yordanova develops themes from the traditional “Landscape” and “Still Life” genres, as well as Figurative pictures in a modern context emphasizing on the richness of the pictorial stuff and complex detail.
This creates a particular “fairy land “spirit and “multilayeredness” of this art of painting and makes its impact especially strong. Gergana Yordanova`s paintings can be rediscovered every time again-delicate picturesque harmonies, beautiful factures creating a peculiar vibration - a mixture of acryl, plastic pastes, graphite and gold and silver.
On the background of the complex picture in the contemporary art these works remind us again that the AESTHETIC meaning remains of primary importance and the picture as an object must be a bearer of vibrating SPIRITUALITY and BEAUTY.


Lynne Toepher

Artist, Painter, Leather Crafter

Lynne creates beautiful leather jewelry and accessories. She is also a talented painter.


Teresa Eubanks


Teresa designs beautiful wire wrap jewelry, and suncatchers. She upcycles and creates cute Kitchen Witches and Fairy Houses.

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Snow Wolf

Musician, Artist

Native American Flute Music


Christa Gulaian


Abstract Paintings

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Imogene Arquero

Oglala Lakota

Beadwork, Jewelry, Hats

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